Sharpening the next generation
Kadi accepts donations for its work.
If you are in Timor-Leste you can donate at the Kadi training centre open from Tuesday, 9am until Friday 4pm (except public holidays)
Projects to consider donating to:
Bibles for Timor - a full Bible costs about $15
Support a Student - $20 a week (x52 weeks) supports one student at the School of Christian Ministry, or $1080 supports a student for the full course. This includes 80% of all tuition, accommodation and equipment (the other 20% must be provided by the student).
General support - for where most needed or specifically for clean water systems or improved chicken keeping.
See our annual reports for more info and activities and financial managment:
Kadi Kapasidade: Annual reports with finances in Timor
Kadi Timor: Annual reports with finances in Australia
For donations to Kadi Timor in Australia:
Acc Name: Kadi Timor Ltd
BSB: 062565
Acc No.: 10883826
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Account type: Society Cheque Account
For donations to Kadi Kapasidade in Timor-Leste:
Account Name: Kadi Kapasidade Lda
Account Number: 1256693310001
IBAN: TL380020125669331000162
Bank: BNU Timor
Branch: Dili, Timor-Leste